Question 11 of 14
(demo test)

Product Demo for Part II Questions

Sample Case Description

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64 year old white male

Chief complaint

Double vision

History of present illness

Character/signs/symptoms: Diagonally displaced double vision

Location: Left eye

Severity: Moderate

Nature of onset: Acute

Duration: 1 week

Frequency: Constant

Exacerbations/remissions: None

Relationship to activity or function: None

Accompanying signs/symptoms: Blurred vision

Secondary complaints/symptoms


Patient ocular history

Myopia OU

Family ocular history


Patient medical history


Medications taken by patient


Patient allergy history


Family medical history

HTN (both parents)

Review of systems

Constitutional/general health: Normal

Ear/nose/throat: Normal

Cardiovascular: Normal

Pulmonary: Normal

Dermatological: Normal

Gastrointestinal: Normal

Genitourinary: Normal

Musculoskeletal: Normal

Neuropsychiatric: Normal

Endocrine: Normal

Hematologic: Normal

Immunologic: Normal

Mental status

Orientation: Normal

Mood: Normal

Affect: Normal

Clinical findings

Habitual spectacle Rx:


VA Distance

OD: -6.00 sph


OS: -5.50 -0.75 x 178    

20/60 (doubled)

Pupils: Normal

EOMs: Normal

Confrontation fields: Normal

Subjective refraction:


VA Distance

VA Near

OD: -6.00 sph



OS: No improvement with refraction

Slit lamp:

All normal in OD, see image for OS

IOPs: 15 mmHg OD, 16 mmHg OS

Fundus OD:

C/D: 0.3

macula: Normal

posterior pole: Normal

periphery: Normal

Fundus OS:

C/D: 0.3

macula: Normal

posterior pole: Normal

periphery: Normal

Blood pressure: 120/75

  • Image courtesy of
  • Image courtesy of

Sample Case Question 1 of 4

Given this patient's symptoms and the image, what is causing this patient's double vision?

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